How You’re Sabotaging Your Life (And You Don’t Even Know It): Stop Steering Your Life Into Icebergs
Your subconscious mind is blindly following the worst captain imaginable. Here’s how to change that and stop crashing your life.
Most people are steering their lives straight into an iceberg.
Because they have a terrible captain at the helm — their conscious mind.
And guess what?
Their subconscious is following every command like a loyal crew.
The problem?
That captain’s either drunk, paranoid, or too scared to make the right decisions.
Here’s what no one tells you: You are in control of that captain.
But instead of giving orders that lead to success, you’re handing out instructions to crash, burn, and sink.
So, let’s break down how you can stop sabotaging yourself and start winning.
The questions you’re dying to ask?
Why do I always feel like I’m sinking no matter what I do?
How can I stop feeling so anxious all the time?
Is it even possible to retrain my mind to think more positively?
How do I stop my negative thoughts from ruining everything?
Can I ever trust myself to steer my life in the right direction?
Stop blaming the crew (It’s all on the captain)
Let’s be clear about something: Your subconscious mind (the crew below deck) isn’t the problem.
It’s your conscious mind (the captain above deck) that’s giving out the dumb orders.
The subconscious doesn’t argue.
It doesn’t question.
It just blindly follows instructions from above deck.
So, if your life is a mess, it’s not because your crew’s incompetent — it’s because your captain is.
If you’re constantly telling yourself, “I’m not good enough,” or “I’ll never make it,” guess what happens?
Your subconscious crew takes those orders, processes them, and runs with it, along with your life, right into an iceberg.
The worst part?
You’re the one who gave them the order to do it.
You need to train your inner captain to give the right orders.
Start feeding your mind with positive thoughts and self-belief, so your subconscious crew doesn’t blindly follow all the toxic garbage you’ve been spilling.
Your conscious mind is in charge of setting the course, so it’s time to get your shit together and take control of the ship.
What are the benefits of this solution?
You’ll stop crashing your life into emotional icebergs.
Your anxiety and stress will decrease because your crew (subconscious) won’t be running on fear-based orders.
You’ll start seeing positive changes in your life as your subconscious crew carries out healthier, better instructions.
Your confidence will grow, as you’ll be steering your ship (life) with clarity and control.
You’ll become the captain who doesn’t get distracted by self-doubt and destructive thoughts, leading you towards abundance and success.
Your mind is setting the course (And it’s a bad one)
Imagine this: You’re cruising on an ocean liner (your life) across choppy seas, heading for some distant dream island (your goals).
The problem?
Your captain, the one in charge of this whole operation (your conscious mind), is a complete disaster.
He’s stressed, paranoid, and might even have a flask hidden somewhere, taking sips when the waves get rough.
Your subconscious crew?
Those poor bastards down below are blind.
They can’t see the ocean or the rocks up ahead; they just listen to the captain.
If the captain screams, “Full speed ahead… right into that iceberg!” they’ll happily smash the ship into it.
Because that’s all they know — they follow orders.
Think of your mind as the author of your life story.
If you’re writing a story where the main character (you) is always failing, always coming up short, and always in doubt, that’s the exact story your subconscious will create in real life.
Your mind doesn’t care if the story is good or bad — it just executes the script you hand it.
Now, imagine your captain is getting distracted by self-doubt and fear.
The captain’s listening to that little voice in his ear saying, “You’ll fail. You’re not good enough. Everyone’s going to laugh at you.”
The result?
Bad decisions.
Bad outcomes.
Crashing into rocks.
And the crazy part is, this hasn’t even happened yet.
It’s all imagined.
But your body reacts as if it’s real.
That’s how powerful your mind is.
What happens when your captain goes rogue?
So, let’s say your captain is fucked up.
He’s having a bad day, full of self-doubt and nasty, gnawing thoughts.
He tells the crew, “Turn left into that giant iceberg, lads, let’s see what happens!”
And without hesitation, they’ll crank the wheel and turn left, straight into destruction.
It’s not their fault — they’re just following orders.
Or maybe your captain’s even sneakier.
He acts like he’s got things under control, but secretly knows he’s sailing toward a rocky deathtrap.
He tells the crew, “Keep going!” and they do, not knowing they’re minutes away from obliteration.
You’ve already seen the power of your mind at work, just not in a way that benefits you.
Remember that time you had a meeting or a test, and the thought of it made you sick to your stomach?
Your heart raced, your palms sweat, and your gut felt like it was doing gymnastics on a rollercoaster.
None of it had even happened yet, but your body responded as if it had.
Because your mind told it to.
Here’s the thing: If your mind is that powerful at creating negative outcomes, it stands to reason it can do the same for positive ones.
But you’re too busy letting it wreck your life to realise this.
Your mind writes your life’s story
The stories you spin in your head are the captain’s log of your life.
You tell yourself, “I’m not good enough,” or “I’m bound to fail,” and your subconscious takes that as gospel.
Your subconscious crew doesn’t fact-check; they just do.
The result?
You live out those shitty stories — sailing straight into disaster.
Now imagine your captain is distracted.
An annoying passenger (let’s call him Worry McShitpants) keeps whispering in his ear, “You’re no good! You’ll sink this whole ship!”
The captain starts sweating, second-guessing himself, making terrible decisions.
Before long, his shaky hands give the crew bad orders, and boom — you’re sinking.
All because some arsehole passenger won’t shut up.
The captain takes orders from YOU, so give better ones.
Your conscious mind is the one in control.
The crew just takes orders.
If you want your life to stop crashing into icebergs, you have to start giving different commands.
The good news?
Your subconscious will follow whatever the captain says, no matter how stupid — or smart — those orders are.
No, seriously!
The solution is simple: Feed your mind better thoughts, give it better orders, and watch your subconscious follow.
If you keep telling yourself, “I’m going to succeed,” or “I’ve got this,” your crew will believe you.
It doesn’t know any better.
It just listens to orders.
You’re sinking your own ship, but there’s hope
Now let’s talk about that time you were so nervous, you felt like your stomach was about to stage a mutiny and jump ship.
Remember that driving test?
That job interview?
Or how about that meeting where you just knew everyone was out to get you?
You probably felt like your guts were doing the tango, right?
Maybe your arse was clenching so tight you could crack walnuts.
The thing is, nothing bad had even happened yet, but your mind convinced you that it was going to be a full-on catastrophe.
And just like that, your body reacted as if the disaster was already in motion.
That’s the power of your mind, my friend.
You can either sink or steer (your choice).
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter whether the captain is a confident leader or a paranoid mess.
The crew will follow orders either way.
So, ask yourself: Do you want to keep steering your life into disaster because you’ve convinced yourself you’re going to fail?
Or do you want to take control and lead your ship toward success?
The choice is yours.
But here’s the brutal truth: If you don’t change how you think, your subconscious won’t change how it operates.
It’s that simple.
You’re in charge of the captain, and the captain’s in charge of the crew.
Stop giving bad orders.
Time to take back control
Here’s the good news: You can be a better captain.
If you’re capable of thinking yourself into a full-blown panic attack over a meeting that hasn’t even happened yet, then surely you can think your way into something better?
If you tell your subconscious crew, “We’re sailing into calm waters, lads,” they’ll believe you.
They won’t question it.
If you start feeding your mind positive thoughts and constructive ideas, your subconscious will follow suit, without asking any stupid questions like, “Are you sure?”
Choose your captain wisely
To the subconscious, it doesn’t matter if the captain’s a total loser or a calm, confident legend.
They follow orders, no matter what.
So, do you want a captain steering you into every iceberg, storm, and shipwreck?
Or would you rather have one who navigates you through calm seas, towards sunny shores, with a smug grin on his face because he knows he’s got this?
Start giving your captain better orders, and watch your subconscious crew steer your ship toward the life you actually want.
What are you going to do about it?
It’s time to get real about the shit you’re feeding your subconscious.
Start being the kind of captain your crew deserves.
Your ship’s been sinking long enough.
Subscribe to the (UN)BROKEN and start feeding your subconscious with better thoughts, sharper ideas, and smarter strategies.
Because right now, your captain’s running on fumes, and your crew’s on autopilot.
Don’t let your ship sink before you even get started.
Because everyone else is doing it (and you don’t want to miss out, do you?).