Thoughts Become Things (So Don’t Pick the Shitty Ones): 3 Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Ways To Defeat Them
Transform Your Mindset: How Thoughtful Choices Lead to Success
You know that phrase “You are what you eat”?
Well, your thoughts are the mental equivalent of that greasy kebab you regret at 2 a.m. after a pub crawl.
Except, in this case, the aftermath isn’t just a dodgy stomach — it’s your entire life.
Your thoughts shape your reality.
So, if you’re marinating in negativity, don’t be surprised if your life starts to smell like a bin fire.
Let’s dive into this.
The problem: Your brain is a drama queen
We’re wired for negativity.
It’s a survival thing.
Back in the day, spotting a tiger lurking in the bushes was more important than admiring a sunset.
But now, the “tigers” are emails, unpaid bills, and Sharon from HR with her passive-aggressive Post-it notes.
The problem?
Your brain doesn’t know the difference.
It treats everything like life-or-death, flooding you with stress hormones and turning you into a pessimistic ball of angst.
When stuff happens — good, bad, or downright absurd — it’s not the event that screws us over; it’s our thoughts about it.
Aunt Marge, mugging, and the power of perspective
Let’s talk Aunt Marge.
If she croaks and you adored her, you’ll grieve.
If she was the family’s reigning Queen of Pettiness, you might secretly breathe a sigh of relief.
Same event, two wildly different realities.
Or take being mugged.
For you, it’s a headline: “Worst Moment of My Life.”
For the mugger?
You’re just another Tuesday.
They’re not losing sleep over it; meanwhile, you’re reliving it on a loop like it’s your personal Groundhog Day.
It’s all about perspective.
The Secret Sauce: If You Want Change, BE the Change
This isn’t some “manifest a Lamborghini by blinking three times” nonsense.
But seriously — thoughts become things.
If you want peace, start acting peacefully.
If you want happiness, try smiling once in a while (even if it feels like a face workout).
Life isn’t going to magically improve because you plaster affirmations on your bathroom mirror, but it sure as hell won’t get better if your inner dialogue sounds like a drunk heckler at a comedy gig.
Change your thoughts, change your life
How to stop the spiral
Here’s the deal:
Catch the Thought Before It Snowballs.
You don’t need to turn every bad moment into a Broadway drama.
Next time you spill coffee on your shirt, don’t let your brain spiral into “I’m a failure, and everyone secretly hates me.”
It’s just coffee.
Chill.Flip the Script.
Feeling like the world’s against you?
Try asking, “What’s one good thing in this shitstorm?”
Maybe you got mugged, but hey — you didn’t have to make small talk at that awkward dinner party because you were too busy calling the cops.
Silver linings, mate.Focus on What You CAN Control.
Life’s a circus.
You can’t control the clowns, but you can control your act.
Want more positivity?
Start thinking positively.
Sounds simple, but it works.
The benefits of thinking like a boss
You’ll Stop Taking Everything Personally.
Not everything’s about you, Kevin.
Sometimes it rains because clouds exist — not because the universe hates you.You’ll Feel Less Like a Hot Mess.
Shifting your perspective makes you less reactive.
You’re not just a pinball in life’s machine; you’re the one holding the flippers.You’ll Attract Better Stuff.
I know this sounds woo-woo, but when you stop thinking like Eeyore, life stops treating you like Eeyore.
Energy attracts energy.
Be the good vibe.
One spicy, controversial question to chew on
What if the bad stuff isn’t bad?
What if it’s just life giving you a kick in the arse to move forward?
Think about it.
Maybe losing your job wasn’t a tragedy; it was your chance to start that side hustle.
Maybe getting ghosted by that Tinder date saved you from a lifetime of listening to their Coldplay obsession.
Maybe the mugger did you a favour by making you realise you don’t need to carry that much cash.
Life isn’t out to get you.
It’s just… life.
Your perspective decides whether it’s a disaster or an opportunity.
Flip your script: Be the boss of your brain
Your thoughts are the directors of your life’s movie.
Don’t let them turn it into a low-budget horror flick.
Start flipping the script, and watch your world change faster than Aunt Marge’s mood after a sherry or two.
And before you go, subscribe to the (UN)BROKEN — it’s like having a life coach in your inbox, but way less annoying.
Plus, everyone’s doing it.
Don’t be the only one left out, stuck in your negative thought spiral.
Hit that subscribe button before your smarter mates do.
Now go think some good thoughts, you legend.